Customized version

Our secure collaboration solution is customized to your trade mark, colours and commercial offers: lay-out, subscriptions and prices. End users don't notice they use a private label version hosted on our or your servers.

ContactOffice is a secure collaboration solution allowing individuals and (leisure or business) groups to organize, communicate and collaborate. ContactOffice comprises a set of tools (Messaging, Documents, Address book, Calendar, etc.) and can be accessed from computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.

The total cost depends of the following factors:
  • Number of users
  • Subscriptions capacities
  • Integration level (Single Sign-On, LDAP, etc.)
  • Hosting plan: our servers (Cloud model) or your servers (license model)
Test our standard solution for free, without time limit: Free registration.

To get a quote, please contact: :

Patrick De Schutter
+ 32 2 647 92 35



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